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UD bridge


Campus de Perpignan
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Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
52 avenue Paul Alduy
66860 Perpignan Cedex 9
+33 (0) 4 68 66 20 10

Modalités de sélection et d’admission
Envoi d’un dossier de candidature comprenant :
  • un CV ;
  • une lettre de motivation spécifiant le projet universitaire ;
  • le(s) dernier(s) diplôme(s) d’études ;
  • une attestation de niveau de français (si possible) ;
  • un justificatif de statut : demandeur d'asile, protection subsidiaire ou réfugié.



The “Passerelle” University Diploma – Student in exile offers a refresher course in French in order to build a university career or to pursue studies in higher-education.This course is designed for non french speaker students having the status of asylum seeker, refugee or with a subsidiary protection.This diploma is aimed at a complete course including the teaching of French, orientation and professional integration workshops, social and cultural activities and an administrative service. It is eligible for aid based on the social criteria of the CROUS.

This diploma is reserved for students living in the Pyrénées-Orientales who obtained an high school diploma (baccalaureate or equivalent).

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  • Allow to improve their French level
  • Develop methodological and cultural skills for university studies
  • Increase skills and specific vocabulary
  • Guiding the students to enter or to pursue their studies within the French higher education
Course organization
  • 208 hours per semester for A1 and A2 levels, ie 19h per week
  • 232 hours per semester B1.1 and B1.2 level, ie 22h of class per week and also several hours of support in carrer guidance, profesional integration
  • 284 hours per semester B2, C1 and C2 levels, ie 22h of class per week and also several hours of support in carrer guidance, profesional integration and socio-cultural activities
Exams take place during the all semester. Attendance is thus obligatory.

September to May


This course is subventionned by public agencies. Selected applicants are exonerated from registration fees.

Admission conditions

Each candidacy file should contain :

  • Resume
  • Motivation letter
  • Last diploma obtained
  • If possible, a certification of your french level
  • A proof of status


Organisation des cours
Nombre d’heures : 552 heures de cours, du lundi au samedi.
Les cours se déroulent sur deux semestres. Le contrôle des connaissances se fait tout au long de la session, la présence aux cours est donc obligatoire.

1 session est proposée : Automne-Printemps (septembre - mai)

Les candidats retenus sont exonérés des frais d’inscription

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